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Jackson, Michael

Art.Nr.: 1589
GTIN/EAN: 099746580223
Jackson, Michael
Jackson, Michael
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
17,99 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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  • Produktbeschreibung

Michael Jackson Dangerous CD

Audio CD (26. November 1991)
Anzahl Disks/Tonträger: 1
Label: Epc

Tonträger CD
Jahr 1991
Zeit 77:02
Plattenfirma Epic / Sony Music Entertainment
Musikrichtung Pop
EAN-Nr. 5099746580223
Katalog-Nr. EPC 465802 2


1. Jam 5:39    
2. Why You Wanna Trip On Me 5:25    
3. In The Closet 6:32    
4. She Drives Me Wild 3:42    
5. Remember The Time 4:00    
6. Can´t Let Her Get Away 5:02    
7. Heal The World 6:24    
8. Black Or White 4:16    
9. Who Is It 6:35    
10. Give In To Me 5:28    
11. Will You Be There 7:40    
12. Keep The Faith 5:57    
13. Gone Too Soon 3:22    
14. Dangerous 7:00

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# 1 Deutschland
# 1 UK
# 1 USA

Satte vier Jahre nach Bad wird offenbar, wieviel der Megastar dem kreativen Soundmagier Quincy Jones verdankte. Seine Eigenproduktion von 14 Songs und üppigen 77'06" Laufzeit ist ein dünnblütiger Aufguß aus synthetisch-penetrantem Dancefloor-Gewummer, bemühtem Street-Funk und dürftigen Balladen. Mit Heal The World legt er eine Doublette von We Are The World auf und kopiert in Give In To Me seine Dirty Diana. Bei soviel Plattitüden mühen sich Guns'n'Roses-Gitarrist Slash oder die Andrae Crouch Singers fast vergebens. Dürftig!
© Audio

Oh du schöne Multimedia-Märchenwelt, jetzt hast du deinen Peter Pan wieder. Gestern "Bad" und heute "Dangerous" - Michael Jackson, der ewige Kindskopf, dieses Fabelwesen aus Fantasia, will endgültig die Krone im Pop-Staat. Und da zählen weder elf neue Songs noch die Dienste von Gastmusikern wie Guns'n'Roses-Gitarrist Slash oder der Toto-Sieger Jeff Porcaro und David Paich. Nein, der Kampf tobt an anderen Fronten: Die Frima Sony steckt Millionen in die Werbung, Hollywood-Stars wie John Landis oder David Lynch drehen die Videos, und Moonwalk-Michael lächelt von den Gazetten-Titeln zwischen Grönland und Gambia. Schließlich gilt es, die 45 Millionen verkauften Exemplare von "Thriller" zu übertreffen - oder zumindest die lächerlichen 25 Millionen von "Bad". Kein leichtes Spiel für Michael Jackson, zumal sein neues Opus erhebliche Führungsschwächen offenbart. Die meisten Melodien verlieren sich im Rhythmusdickicht, nicht nur "Why You Wanna Trip On Me" klingt nach herzlosem Sampling-Stückwerk. Überhaupt bemühte sich der Sänger allzu krampfhaft, eine zeitgemäße Platte zu machen. Dabei zappelt er oft reichlich konfus durch die Effekteküche. Weit und breit ist kein "Man In The Mirror" in Sicht, Quincy Jones und "Billy Jean" haben Hausverbot. Statt dessen gibt es als Ausgleich für den Techno-Firlefanz die bittersüße Ballade "Gone Too Soon" und eine rührselige "We Are The World"-Fortsetzung mit "Heal The World". Für Peter Pans neues Pop-Märchen gibt es kein Happy-End.
© Stereoplay

Review by Stephen Thomas Erlewine
Despite the success of Bad, it was hard not to view it as a bit of a letdown, since it presented a cleaner, colder, calculated version of Thriller — something that delivered what it should on the surface, but wound up offering less in the long run. So, it was time for a change-up, something even a superstar as huge as Michael Jackson realized, so he left Quincy Jones behind, hired Guy mastermind Teddy Riley as the main producer, and worked with a variety of other producers, arrangers, and writers, most notably Bruce Swedien and Bill Bottrell. The end result of this is a much sharper, harder, riskier album than Bad, one that has its eyes on the street, even if its heart gets middle-class soft on "Heal the World." The shift in direction and change of collaborators has liberated Jackson, and he's written a set of songs that is considerably stronger than Bad, often approaching the consistency of Off the Wall and Thriller. If it is hardly as effervescent or joyous as either of those records, chalk it up to his suffocating stardom, which results in a set of songs without much real emotional center, either in their substance or performance. But, there's a lot to be said for professional craftsmanship at its peak, and Dangerous has plenty of that, not just on such fine singles as "In the Closet," "Remember the Time," or the blistering "Jam," but on album tracks like "Why You Wanna Trip on Me." No, it's not perfect — it has a terrible cover, a couple of slow spots, and suffers from CD-era ailments of the early '90s, such as its overly long running time and its deadening Q Sound production, which sounds like somebody forgot to take the Surround Sound button off. Even so, Dangerous captures Jackson at a near-peak, delivering an album that would have ruled the pop charts surely and smoothly if it had arrived just a year earlier. But it didn't — it arrived along with grunge, which changed the rules of the game nearly as much as Thriller itself. Consequently, it's the rare multi-platinum, number one album that qualifies as a nearly forgotten, underappreciated record.

Condition: G:  GOOD   

"Item Condition" notes:

SS / OVP:       CD & LP is factory sealed in shrink-wrap or cellophane.

NEU / NEW:      CD & LP is open and not yet played.(Achtung: = Nicht alle neuen CDs

werden vom Hersteller eingeschweißt!)

NM: NEAR MINT   CD & LP Just about in perfect condition.

E:  EXCELLENT   CD & LP Near perfect, may show very light signs of use & maybe one

very light scratch.

VG: VERY GOOD   CD & LP  CD has some very minor wear (several very light scratches or

marks). If insert, may have dimple marks or very light wrinkles/folds,

G:  GOOD        CD & LP  Some to very heavier wear or tear (some to very scratches

throughout the CD), still plays perfectly. If insert, may have some wrinkles, folds,

ripples, tears or multiple case. If  case has cracked or is broken.

Demo-Copy:      CD & LP = Promo - not for sale - particularly rare!!
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Jackson, Michael
Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage
17,99 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
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